How To Download All Your Twitter Data Archive

How To Download All Your Twitter Data Archive

Users love Twitter. Like Facebook or Instagram, it collects a lot of user data. There is the possibility of keeping all your information safe if you are going to close your Twitter account or if you are afraid that the social network will fail.

It is about saving all of your previous tweets, including responses, in a downloadable file that you can keep safe on your mobile device (or in the cloud, if you prefer). The good part is that we always have the possibility of downloading said data, so that we can see them all.

If you want to download all of the data that Twitter has collected about you, you can do so by following these steps.

  • Go to the Twitter app on your phone or tablet.
  • Click on your profile picture.
  • Under Settings & Support, tap Settings and privacy.
  • Go to your account section.
  • Login to Twitter with your password and confirm by email or username and click Next button.

Twiter archive

  • You will be redirected to Twitter web page showing Twitter data.
  • Click Request archive and wait for 24 to 48 hours.
  • You will get notification nonce data download is ready.

Follow process

  • Follow the same process done before.
  • Click on your profile picture.
  • Under Settings & Support, tap Settings and privacy.
  • Go to your account section.
  • This time you will get Download archive button under Download an archive of your data.

Download and Access

  • Click on Get started for download the archive.
  • Once finish dowloading you can extract the folder as mentioned below.
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Download data

Once downloaded, you can explore it. Most of the data is in a format that isn’t really very humanly readable.

You may view your shared photos and videos in your media folder. Use a desktop or laptop computer, not a mobile device, to access your archive. After that, use “Your Archive.”

html file, which opens a mini-version of Twitter. All of the stuff on your computer’s hard drive is yours. This lets you explore tweets, favorites, and media without going online.

If Twitter disappears or goes down, your archive will still be accessible in this manner on this link, so you won’t lose any of your contacts, follows, or friends.

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